Monday 26 March 2012

A settled life :)

Hello bloggers :)
its catch up time again, on the bee side of things both hives are performing brilliantly lol, Kim and myself checked them last week (1st time since b4 winter). Hive 1 is very busy in fact there seem to be more bee's now than there was last summer...and its not even april yet lol. We needed to rearrange the supers about a bit as i had left 2 supers of honey for the bees to survive winter. The down side was that the queen is being so busy laying eggs that she was already laying eggs amongst the honey cells so the queen excluder got moved and we have hopefully stopped that from happening. What was brilliant was the fact that the 2nd frame kim picked up i spotted the queen straight away...result!! lol. Hive 2 we just checked but we did not have the egg laying problem as there was only one super left for this hive over winter. So hive wise we are both very happy :) we will do a brood check this week as kim is off and the sun is due to still be shining for a while yet.
News in doors is that Kim has diversed her talents to card making and has been coming out with some lovely designs (i have even had a go with some steam punk designs) look up her site and you will see what we mean :0 we are even getting the family involved with my daughter Karley doing 3d art work and my daughter in law possibly going into jewelry making :)

(one of our first rabbits)
The other good news where we are concerned is our rabbits due to the fact that Kim and myself like to keep busy (even though Kim is part time 3 days a week she still does 4 days with her craft business!!) we have our chickens, we have our bee's (produce & sell honey this year hopefully woo hoo) we have had a 5 year gap from breeding and showing rabbits....we realised we made more friends in the fancy than at any other we are going back into it but on a smaller scale. It makes sure we have a social life and its something 'we' both enjoy lol in fact we both had a name for ourselves up and down the country at some point. We started the 1st internet site for rabbit breeders back in 1999 with nearly 2000 members at one point, Kim helped get a new colour recognised within the miniature lop (chocolate tort)
she helped in the design of a software programme for colour genetics in rabbits and became a judge for a while before she became disabled. I bred rare varieties and had best best in shows with thriantas,


and hulstlanders. After dropping into a big show last year

we were made to feel so welcome and missed very much that we decided to come back

and thats what is happeneing now. I was going to keep them in the space i had left in the garage but the smell we realised may effect kims stock of materials and cushions etc. so the only place was a space at the bottom of the garden which was very cramped and when a friend mentioned about the wild rabbits and possibility of mixi we were stumped on what to do...until the same friend said why dont we use 'The Villa' (our summer house) Not an easy choice but it made sense....ok its a bit posh for rabbits as its a games room (tv, stereo, dart board and pool table) every time we have people around no one uses it, its more of a 'look what i have' shed lol so thats what Kim and myself have decided. Its secure with an alarm fitted, it has a smoke alarm and its easy for Kim to get into which for me is always the priority :) (that and its dry and warm in the winter lol) so we are just waiting for the rabbit blocks to turn up and all stock will be moved into the villa then the outside area will be for the pets for sale stock...we are both looking foward to this new/old venture again :) will put pictures up soon as possible....until then l8ts my friends