Tuesday 16 August 2011

I think i have a headache.....

This bee's ness with the bee's (grin) is getting confusing lol...well since the last inspection of the hives i have been pottering around the garden, we still have a wasp problem so i decided to empty and refill some of the wasp traps when i got to one of them i saw two of the bigest wasps i have ever seen. 'Are they hornets' says Kim 'naa' says me. They were both alive so i decided to put them in a sealed container then take their picture in the morning once they had died to show how big they were. Well when i opened the container the next morning 2 enormous and very angry hornets (yes they were hornets) shot out and flew around the garden dive bombing me into the bargain b4 flying off, i didn't get any pictures but the traps are still up so who knows :) We checked the hive with the queen cells in on monday evening and by the 4th frame i suddenly saw a queen (not marked) shoot down to the bottom of the frame, luckily Kim saw it as well which showed that the queen from the queen cell i had put back was definetly alive.....after checking the rest of the frames definetly no other queen but 3 queen cells found which i destroyed. We put syrup feeders in and closed the hive back up it looked as though a new queen was taking up residence.
Then today happened :) just before i went to pick Kim up from work there was a lot of activity around the hives....and i mean a lot of activity lol
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR1ywS1y5sE i have given up trying to put video clips on here so you guys can see this on youtube from now on.
Well as you can see the hive has swarmed and disappeared off....except when i checked the hive tonight theres still the same amount of bee's present as there was yesterday??? so have they all come back? it may be a dry swarm meaning they all swarmed expecting a queen to come with them but she didn't, it could be a practise which i doubt...so as you can imagine its very confusing whats going on in this hive....i quickly checked hive no.1 and they seem to be ok, theres capped and uncapped brood but not much...lots of stores though so i put a super on to see if that will help oh and i did find a queen cell (grrr) which i got rid of and thats where we are at the moment. So i will keep an eye on them tomorrow to see if they swarm again though this recent swarm only took around 15 mins so i may miss them...at least i got it on video lol anyway until the next time l8rs :)

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