Tuesday 29 May 2012

May newsletter part 2 the rabbit side of 'The Warren' household :)

As usual cannot just have a quiet month at The Warren lol...you name it and it seems to happen, animals, people, weather etc. etc :)
So where to start?
Both of us are fine...well just about, Kim and myself decided to watch our health and fitness a little while ago to the point we had someone come over 1 hour a week to help Kim with her fitness and back and me to help with stamina and posture. This has been good except halfway through May she did her back in then when it sorted itself out it went again during the keepfit so we have put the fitness regime on hold for the moment.
Animal wise its been very busy as we went to a few rabbit shows which were fun the 1st was at the Essex Champs
always a show we have supported in the past. This time it was at a different venue which unfortunetly was smaller and a little cramped but still it was a good show, Kim chatted to lots of past friends
what was interesting about this show was that we had some german judges come over and did some judging to the euro standard and obviously saw our rabbits a lot differently in fact put up more of the rare breeds than the standard breeds with sallanders winning best pair and a swiss fox going best in show. The following week we went to the southern champs which was partly to see the show
but it was a nice excuse for Kim to see how the choc tort lops had advanced in type as seen above with a stunning mini of Stephanie Chambers :)
We hung around to see the end of the show but the main reason for going to the show was for me to pick up a stud of rare breed rabbits. I was contemplating starting with a new breed of rabbit and was seriously thinking of the deilenaar but saw an advert of a breeder forced to give up all her animals including a stud of Glolden Glavcots...knowing there were only 3 breeders in the country with these rabbits I did not want to see them lost so arranged to take the rabbits off the breeders hands. They are a lovely breed, delicate in bone timid yet friendly nature looking very similair to wild rabbits.

one litter even had a fostered english lop
I've also got a real character of a buck that came with the stud, a siberian which is used to help keep the colour within the breed
everyone has fallen in love with his personality one i will be keeping for a very long time his coat is lovely for a fur breed and his 5 years old :) other new additions include some Hulstlanders which i got from Harry Arnold and Trina Cook
These are a breed a did a long time back and are basically a blue eyed white rabbit

Lastly another breed of rabbit we did a long time ago...Hemp a perlfee from Botany stud :)
 Ok with so many pictures i am finishing this particular blog but I still have other pieces of information to add so i will make up a 3rd blog of the last few items....swarms....hutches and bad bee's lol so until then have a good week guys :)

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