Saturday 6 October 2012


Back! (and so quickly? wow i hear you all say...) well i needed to get back or i would have another senior moment and forget what i was supposed to be doing :)....anyway where were we...oh yes exciting things were starting to happen. After the rabbit show and picking up our new car i think we thought we would have a quieter weekend next time around...Ha! and double Ha! nooo such luck; I'm not sure where abouts i put that we were expecting another grand daughter in September, well we were and Gemma (the mum) was due in Hospital for a C section on the 10th which gave all the family time for a big get together for Kim's mum and dads 50th wedding anniversary on the 8th.
 It was a lovely evening

 Myself and my son Michael (yes he actually came lol)
Kim even got on the dance floor for some wheelchair dancing....except because i forgot to put her stabilisers on and she was dancing with my daughters boy friend and got carried away....her wheelchair tipped over backwards.....she was fine and laughing but its put poor Alex from dancing at the moment lol. Our Grandaughter had decided she did not want to go to the party and poor Gemma went into labour the same day and Skye was born weighing 7lb.
Well that was certainly a hectic weekend 'so thats it then' i hear you nope :) since then we have had more guinea pigs turn up in the shed (not my idea...)

which meant Kim and her mum wanted to go onto the next stage....showing lol. They took a couple of gp's to kent and came 2nd in both of their classes which was good considering it was their 1st time..
The other peice of news concerned us as rabbit breeders...out of the blue i had an e-mail from a freelance writer wanting to write a piece on rare breed rabbits and how to find them, they used a lot of the wording from our old web site, i sent a few pictures of some of our breeds and hopefully we will see another write up about us and rare breed rabbits soon (will post a link as soon as the pet magazine is printed).
Lastly the explanation of the Ha! caught ya! lol
The last weekend of the month was my birthday....(thank you :) ...what? emm 43...47? okay...52 well anyway on the friday kim and myself were standing in the hall way when next doors house alarm went off about lunch time...well we often have alarms go off by accident and i always stick my head out the door and walk around next doors property just in case....and in this case it was a good idea as 2 men came running around from the side of the property...swore when they saw me then they ran off down the road. I called the Police straight away and luckily though stupidly the burglers had parked their car in the carpark of the nursery opposite who saw the men run in and jump into a car and speed off....not before the nursery people took the make and number plate of the car....the car was stopped 20 mins later and the occupents arrested unfortunetly one item had been stolen but not recovered :( we are hoping with my description and the make and number of the car, results in them going to court. They had broken in but whether it was the alarm or seeing the owners dog that made them panic we wont know at least nothing else was taken or the dog was not hurt.
The next day i did it again and was successfull in helping to corner and catch.....a chicken.....what? chickens can be quite dangerous at times? we had someone knock at the door earlier that day asking if we had lost any of our chickens (which we had not) but i went armed with a box and a fishing net and after battling brambles, nettles all in the dark i captured our new addition to our flock :) so an eventful weekend to finish the month of september off lol. Anyway b4 you go i found a couple of pictures of our new grandaughter she is with Nanny Kim at the hospital :)
 and here she is with me at 3 weeks old :)

Next month have us going to the 2 day London Championships show so will take pictures etc. for that, Kims going to do a little mentoring with a very nice & polite young man who has just got into rabbits and wants to know about showing and stockmanship of mini lops.....I also have the bee's to sort out b4 winter sets in, so we will see how it all goes :) until then my friends l8rs

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