Friday 22 February 2013

Teach me not to back up!!!!

Don't you just hate that....spent an hour doing my blog only to LOOSE IT and have to START AGAIN ARGGHH!

sorry lol its worse when you cant remember everything you wrote as well!! well i did think of closing the blog down as i don't write on it much but i need to keep things sane sometimes...and let off steam as well lol so will keep plugging away at it (save) Anyway lets start and try and catch up :) i did think what with the time gap from the last blog that i would have a short novel in the pipe line...but looking at my list i don't think so (phew i hear you all say) but lets see what flows from the pen as they say :) (save)
Well December was a good month...very busy but a nice busy...(depending on how you looked at it lol) Kim had officially retired from work to work from home and to make sure she had enough time to make and bake stuff for the Xmas hampers we give out to the family :) well that was the idea but we didn't quite get everything made. Christmas cakes, Christmas puds, short bread, truffles and mincemeat parmias (which were bloody lovely by the way)
she made candles and soaps as well but didn't get time to do the fudges (so looking forward to the sea salt fudge lol). I did my bit and made ginger bread vodka which went down very well (literally) :)
Christmas day had the family come round which we do every 2 years. Gemma, Chris & Skye popped in which was lovely then Kim's mum and dad and the rest of the children came round for dinner. We even ended up with another guest as Kim found out that 1 of Les's house mates had no where to go for Xmas so was was promptly picked up and whisked over. A lovely day.
Turkey was so succulent the bones pulled out as we tried to turn it over lol
Table all set :)

well Christmas was out the way and gave us time to relax a bit, the bees obviously very quiet :) though i did manage to speak to the Maldon beekeepers president to sort out a replacement nucleus for us unfortunately we wont get this until June which means our honey production is going to be slow this year....the plus side is that the chickens are laying like mad lol, easily 8 plus eggs a day....just have to sell them :)
The rabbits have been fine with Kim's lops producing lots of choc tort babies at the moment
Which we are fine with as its the chocolate and lilac varieties we wont in the shed mainly (as well as the black otters lol) but i finally got some Siberians in my part of the shed having 2 lilacs born this month :) hopefully i have another doe ready to give birth later in February so may have a couple more :)
The only others we have are of some F1's which are to help with our Glavcots :)

This month was a mixture of good and sad :( a very special lady, my gran Mae Mae as everyone called her passed away...she was 96 which was a fantastic age. Having died in Ireland means the funeral tends to be done rather quickly usually a couple of days so it was a mad rush to sort out getting over there. My son Michael came with me and i met my brother over there; the funeral went really well with a wake after to celebrate her life :) and i got to chat and meet old family members which made it even more special. When i got back, unfortunately i came back to not great news with family members on Kim's side being ill which needs to be monitored over the rest of the the year :( i also find out I'm doing jury service in march and then get a call the same evening i have to go to court as a witness to do with the burglary next door lol.
The other main thing for February was Kim's cavy shed finally being finished and what a great job Bill has done for her :)

If you visit this link you can see the shed being made from start to finish
The only other things to mention is we got ourselves some new toys....Kim's kindle has played up a little so when i saw my brothers kindle fire i mentioned to Kim how good it was so she got us both one (its brilliant by the way) Chris ended up with Kim's old one and i gave mine to Kim's dad. Well worth while getting one as i can read my books, listen to music on my headphones and check face book at the same time on the same device lol. Lastly where Kim's business is at the moment we had to go to the Guild of Essex Craftsmen to a meal and to pick up a certificate for Kim :) the next day we sorted out the garage....which as you can see will not fit a car in...
and Kim's craft room to allow even more room for even more stock...lovely lol
Though i cant complain really as it does help her immensely :). Anyway that's it for now...we have some rabbit shows in March to go to, some news of another new rabbit in the shed (and even more guinea pigs...) but i will save that all for later lol so until then guys...l8rs

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