Friday 17 May 2013

Nothing happenig as such :)

Well since my last blog....not a lot going on lol....though that depends on peoples perspective of course.
Home life has settled back into a routine even with someone else living with us again lol. I think when we got this house we some how knew that even with Kim being disabled our lives will never be our own .....and we wouldnt change that....well most of the time :)
Kim since leaving working for the NHS jumped into so many things since then

Breeding and showing rabbits
playing genetics with 3 new breeds of rabbits
Started a stud of guinea pigs up with her mum
goes to rabbit shows
goes to guinea pig shows
goes to craft fairs
started card crafting
started stamp crafting
made candles
made soap
does craft work shops at home
bakes sour dough bread each day
about to start 4 workshops a week

then on top of that she wants to do material craft workshops and sour dough baking workshops.

How does that effect me....i'm loosing space every where lol....first the garage became hers, then my gardening shed and today i lost my gym. I do have a space in the garage (its called a work bench) and my fishing shed is also the garden shed lol.

Les is back with us again as he has a major operation coming up to correct the work done to his back. His not a problem as he sits upstairs a lot of the time...its when his working on both his cars or going out to work at 6:30 that you know his about lol. Once his operation is done he will stay with us then he will be sorting a place to stay permently.

Chris and Gemma come over most weekends so that we can see Skye as well....well she is maturing in leaps and bounds such an intelligent little girl :) she has certainly changed the lives of her mum and dad lol (definetly for the better).

Michael i think i mentioned has a job now, working for a new Suzuki car dealership and he has a new car (i have yet to see it though) but at least he is working...even if he is still trying to think of money making projects....(selling medical equipement??)

Karley is lovely as ever (cough**) she certainly brings a grin to our faces...even if she does dissapear off with Kim most of the time lol. Her and her mum Julie have been coming over every other friday doing card craft workshops with Kim, Gemma and Laura which has certainly been nice.

Animal wise we have had a few ups and downs :( we lost our last hive of bee's so am waiting for 2 new queens and workers next month so fingers crossed we will be back into honey production for next year :)
Both dogs caused us a few worries especially Megan who developed a mass on her mammery gland had to have it all removed especially as we thought it was cancer :( luckily touch wood results came back negative. As for Hamish he ended up with a skin complaint which meant he ended up on steroids. Cleared up his skin problem lovely....the only problem is we have noticed his bark has got a lot deeper.....
Guinea pigs have taken over two sheds both at kims and her mums lol, some interesting colours and lots of people asking for stock which is nice.
The rabbits have carried on progressing nicely....the Siberians in both lilac and brown, the Hulstlanders we have decided to let go for more room and we even have another 2 breeds lol
If you want to read all about our rabbitry follow the link as it explains all :)

Anyway thats it for now at least until next month :)

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