Sunday 22 May 2011

day 1 may 2011

Day 1
How do you start a brand new blog?? every one says welcome to my page...hi there...etc.but its not that easy lol. This is the begining of my diary of mine and Kim's life in our new home.
Quick recap of last 20 years...seperated from ex wife julie met Kim and her 2 boys..married Kim...lived in 2 bed became disabled....6 years later we moved in to present home
After a year of building works (adaptations, ramps etc) the house was finally finished
there's lots more pictures but there on my Facebook page and it takes ages to download so i wont bother on here..yet :)  Well the kids have grown up and left home.....well this side they have. Les lives not far with his partner Laura and 2 children Alfie and Alaya (yes i know I'm a grandad lol), Chris lives a little further away with partner Gemma...(no kids...yet) while my 2 cant seem to leave their mum yet :)

At the moment Kim and myself are coming to a crossroads in our lives, I'm going to be redundant in 6 months and Kim wants to go part time and concentrate on her craft business.

The house takes up more time than i realised what with the 2 dogs, 6 rabbits, 8 chickens and soon to be 2 bee hives (honey production next year )

Anyway that's where we are at the moment :) so as of today i will try and add a daily thought with whats happening with pic's as  well for each day (if i remember).
So what's happened today i here you cry...well Kim's now taken over upstairs with her crafts instead of the conservatory,

which makes sense as there's a kitchen up there to make tea, I've set a phone and laptop there as well so she can keep an eye on orders...she even has the walkie talkie to keep an eye on me as well :) the idea is that the downstairs spare bedroom will be her craft shop but that will be another time. I went out to try and find some daylight bulbs for her but no where opened so came back and ordered on line (£10 a bloody bulb!!!) once i left Kim to it i cleaned out the chickens (we lost one earlier in week...not sure why it died as it was around 5 years old) 2 have gone broody so i have to keep kicking them off there nest each morning. The rabbits had a chance to run around for a while during cleaning, the girls need mating up again as 1 missed, 1 lost her baby and the other pulled fur but nothing?. I will wait till Monday b4 they get mated up again. I did have some more bulbs to plant (again...) but my jaw is aching (tooth pulled yesterday) so I'm sitting finishing my blog, play a little travian then watch a film hopefully :) so on that note I think i will make a cuppa so till my next blog l8rs :)

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