Sunday 29 May 2011

Week 2 cant keep that up lol

Well we had the last bar b q for a while today, weather held out which was great :) Richard came to take the last of the photos as we wanted kim and her brothers doing individual photos with their mum and dad, looking at what we saw they are going to look good.
The best part of the family get togethers is the kids enjoying themselves which makes for good pictures
Had some nice ones of Kim and our grandaughter as well :)

Photgrapher took some nice pictures today, which we will see hopefully soon. Most of the phots today were of kims mum and dad with individual photos of each of them then kim had one with her brothers. Food was good i did my usual beer soaked sausages, some decent burgers whilst Kim made her homemade green rice dish, cous cous with pomegranete and a very large chocolate cake with fresh raspberries oh and zingy lime and chilli prawn kebabs lol. all in all the end of a good week.
Should get a lie in tomorrow with it being a bank holiday need to get kims seedlings planted, tuesday we are off to a honey house to see honey being extracted and bottled then thursday its off for a days fishing woo hoo! so until the end of the week l8rs my friends :)

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