Monday 6 June 2011

week 3

A good week with lots of sunshine :) i had the week off so decided to sort a few jobs out (as you do when on holiday...) only thing was i took no photos (lost my compact camera??) anyway lets see
monday....had a long lie in after a very busy weekend so that was most of the day gone straight away, Kim got on with some of her crafts while i did the house work (aint i the good guy :) ) i did shoot off to Chelmsford as i needed some tools and bought kim some shoes at the same time luckily i know what she likes and both shoes she liked. My daughter and her boyfriend Alex came over in the evening for a beer and a chat  then we finished the evening with a take away so a very good day :)

Tuesday....had to go into work for a few hours as we have a new venue for our future playschemes, many parents needed to eneable their children adjust to the new venue so we had an open day we even had 2 new families interested and put their names down for future schemes. finished early enough that i was able to take kim in to work and pick her up :) We thought it was our last practical bee session today as we visited a bee house in writtle, a great set up with the bee keeper managing 25 hives in total (thats a lot of honey) they showed us the combs, how honey is extracted how its stored, bottling, set honey and runny honey etc. a real eye opener on whats needed to prepare honey.

Wednesday...took kim into work then get a phone call...we should not of been at the honey house as we dont have bee's yet theres been a mix up we should have gone to another apairy to smoke and open a hive individually..oh well :) anyway we are to go to Maldon next week to see a garden apairy and another honey house. Stayed in for some deliveries and spent some time in the garden planting  kims veg plants.

Thursday....Fishing. Theres a fishing lake up the road to us (well 3 actually) so i spent the day up there, not been fishing for a long time got lots of small tench andbream then started catching some fish i had never seen b4 still cannot find out what they are though the only picture i have seen shows them to be freshwater sunfish?? anyway i did catch a nice 14lb mirror carp b4 i went home so that put a smile on my face :)

Friday....took kim into work, spot of house work (god his sooo good) stayed in 4 another delivery then forgot to check if i was to have Alfie today then spent evening getting all kims craft work ready for her 1st craft fair

Saturday.....the big day. Turned out to be very warm which i thought meant the fair would go one of 2 ways quiet...or extra busy....seemed it was the quietest day the organisers had known (there was a fete the same time up the road)  :( but she sold 5 cushions :) which was ok and it showed us what to bring next time some nice people there and some nice products (i bought some sausages) just got to get around to eating them now lol. Kims son Les turned up with his partner and daughter to see what we were up to which was nice.

sunday....more fishing...well for half a day. I went with Kims brother Shaun and his daughter Charlotte. Not so good 1st thing with so much weed and hardly any bites Shaun wanted to go home but i moved to the spot behind me and started to do extremely well very big tench around 4lb and bream of the same size poor shaun at one point was next to me using the same bait, the float at the same level and still not catching anything...but just b4 he went home he and charlotte caught a couple each.

So that was the week in a nutshell, i know theres loads i forgot and i should have some moe pictures but i never was good with diaries lol. If i remember anything else i will add later

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