Monday 27 June 2011

Day 5

well it has certainly been a hot one today definetly a lovely day, it looked lovely around the garden
what ever angle you sat
the main thing was that the activity around both hives were very busy. I sat four feet away watching the bee's going in and out again lots of pollen being collected
which as i said has to be a good sign. Tomorrow we will open hive 2 up to check on the queen etc and i will take some more pictures, hive 1 will be left till tuesday as we need to take our time checking that one until then theres not much more we can do. I have been jumping on the internet looking at the honey process but its the equipement and the cost which is off putting though we will need to start collecting soon. Buckets have been ordered for storage of honey but if the honey flow does start we will need a honey extractor though our local club does loan one out but we will get to that hurdle when it arrives. So again not much more to tell or show you yet but within the next few days i will have more pictures and information soon, until then :) l8rs

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