Tuesday 21 June 2011

week 5 and more :)

Well up until the weekend last week was an average week lol not a lot happening on monday, tuesday we went and did an anti bullying programme in a catholic school in southend working with a year 5 class which the class enjoyed and more so the teacher, who ended up using some of the work we were doing with an incident that happened at break time.
Wednesday was a work at home day as we had a tree surgeun in to sort out the tree's in both the front and back garden. One tree had to be cut right down to the ground as it had a lot of fungus growing through it, the plum was pruned and opened up, the salix at the bottom of the garden had 2 very large branches cut right back so to allow access for our new arivals this week :)
Thursday saw us back at the school we had been into tuesday but with a different class this time the head teacher came in and watched us working...we had a very good write up on our evaluations from the teachers and an e-mail sent to my boss...which went down well :)
Friday was Alfie day although instead of coming back to the house we went straight to Kims work place as Alfie's dad was having x-rays done on his back so Alfie went home with his dad.
Saturday Les came over to put new wishbones on his car...started at 9am...then his brother turned up to help....and they finished midnight lol.....those were the days .....not :)
Sunday was fathers day....and lots of things happen sometimes on days when you least expect them...so i never got to visit my dad for a beer :( but i know he knew the reasons why lol.....anyway lets just say that at least me and kim got a year to ourselves lol before someone finally came back to live with us again. Les (kims eldest) is staying with us for the next 3 months so its going to seem strange having other people about in our house. My daughter Karley
came to visit with her brother Michael (need a picture here lol) Chris and Gemma came as well i got to see the grandchildren as well so the day was not wasted :) i even got 5 mins to plant a few plants lol any way another quick round up of a week but next week will be a little more interesting as we have some perminant guests coming to stay on friday...so until then l8rs xx

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