Friday 17 June 2011

week 4 sorry....forgot :)

well i'm a week behind so sorry about that people :) but hopefully i can catch up now. This week was a mixed bag as the start of the week was ok then i became ill by wednesday then better saturday...oh well...anyway lets see
Monday i was involved in something called crucial crew...this is an event offered to all yr 6 children from local primary schools to attend and basically its about safety, Its to help youngsters during that transition from yr 6 to yr 7 looking at the dangers in their lives. There are around 10 scenario's ranging from stranger danger, drug awareness, fire safety, rail safety, water safety etc. i do our talk on bullying but the last 3 years we now just focus on internet safety. Its a fast paced day with usually 3 schools in the mornings and 3 in the afternoons and thats over a whole week. The children are put into groups of around 10 children then each group participates in the scenarios for 10 minutes before moving onto the next group. Its scarey actually what little skills some of these kids have....many thought that the emergency number in the UK is 911?? instead of 999, many walked off with a stranger offering drugs (actor using sweets) and yet when it came to cyber safety the majority were very good about the dangers of passing info on or meeting someone they dont know, it obviously varied between schools and the neighbourhoods and family backgrounds each came from...but as i said its a little scary that a lot of these kids will suddenly be given a lot more freedom just because they hit yr 7.
Tuesday was the same but a lot more lids turned up (16 per group) but it still went well.
Wednesday was my day off so just the usual with housework etc.
Thursday i should of been doing crucial crew again but took ill for a couple of days with divertiulitis so i was not a happy person.
The weekend perked up so did I and so did the weather :) so i cut the lawn which always makes the place look tidy but i also managed to have a go on our latest toy that i had ordered from argos, a cybercycle....
Its brilliant as it conects up to the wii as an exercise bike :)
the game has different fitness levels as well as a mountain bike course
so hopefully it will give me the incentive to start getting fit :) I've been on there a couple of times already so its a start lol.
Sunday i spent the day day in the garage and started work revamping the trailer soon as its done i'll take a picture...its to rusty and the woods all rotten so it needs stripping down repainting and new wood panels and flooring. Once thats done i can sell i haven't got a tow bar (grin). Anyway people thats week 4 rundown will put week 5 up as soon as i can so l8rs :)

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