Thursday 23 June 2011

Day 2 with the Bee's

Ok i got home from work today to transfer the bee's from the nucleus to their hives, kim was already home so we both went down to the bottom of the garden to get changed into our suits :)
could not get a picture of myself yet lol...oh and thats a hive tool she's waving around, its used to seperate frames that are stuck together. Anyway we smoked and opened the box before checking each frame for our 1st queen but kim found her on the 4th frame so we new we were ok :) i wanted to get a picture but we needed to get them into their new home as quickly as possible
these 2 pictures show the brood frames in place
the smoke is to help the bee's move down the frames so we can put the queen excluder on. Next we put the sugar syrup in the feeder and closed the hive up.
The second box was quieter than the 1st we checked the frames again...and this is whats worrying ...we have not found evidence that a queen was in the queen cage and as kim said no real proof of brood...lots of workers and a lot of drones. The instructions say to leave them now for 5 days so we closed this hive up after feeding  as well and will check on both in a few days. Whats worrying me as we both could not see a queen so i will ring the suppliers tomorrow and see what they say hopefully this will be sorted as if not we have a queenless colony and i'm not sure what to do about that yet...will let you all know friday, so until then l8rs :)

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