Saturday 25 June 2011

Day 4 with the Bee's

Weather not great this morning so not much activity first thing, took Kim to the hairdressers then when we got back i thought i would check on the bee's again but Alfie turned up unexpectedly so decided to leave that idea for the moment lol. What i did notice which may be a good sign is that because the afternoon warmed up considerably there was a lot more activity with both hives having bee's going back and forth from the entrances. Hive 2 is still the busiest but what was interesting is that there is pollen being collected for the smaller hive where we think there is no queen...the books say a good sign that a queen is present is that pollen is being collected.....i will check on the bee syrup tomorrow but not the brood frames until Tuesday or Wednesday. Kim popped down there this evening and mentioned that the activity is still the same but also how non aggressive they seemed but that may be they don't feel threatened in anyway though the queens were bought knowing they are a gentle breed :) that may change next year when the rapeseed fields stop flowering as its known bee's get angry when the rapeseed finishes lol. Anyway got to finish this blog as I'm off to an old biker mates 50th birthday for a couple of hours so until then l8rs my friends :)

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